Scrapbooking is a hobby, but for some of us it is a lifestyle. As for me, it a dangerous lifestyle....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's the SIL's Fault!

Has it been two months since I last blogged? OHMIGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What have I been doing?

Playing with the Silhouette. Playing with the Silhouette alot. See, David is a genius when it comes to computers and he showed me how to find JPEGS online, open them in RoboCraft, get an outline and BAM! a new file for my SIL. Thus, I have spent long hours searching for files I could cut in my SIL.

Hours and hours have been spent going through Google images, trying to figure out which ones work and which ones don't. Dark and simple lines work the best. Colored items are iffy. My favorite searches are for Korean symbols for the scrapbooks for David & the kids. I have found some great ones : strength (which is probably more Chinese and/or Japanese), fire, father and sensei (teacher in Japanese).

Notice how the symbols are supposed to be in Korean, but I said they were Japanese? Turns out, at least according to my research, that Korea and Japan incorporated the Chinese symbols, later creating their own. It is driving me NUTS!!! Undoubtedly I am driving Sheryl (the aforementioned sensei) and her husband Geoff batty with my questions. We are all aware that somethings do not translate well, so we are doing our best to be careful. They look so beautiful, so I feel this need to replicate them perfectly. (The card is at the top of the post.)

So, I have spent hours and hours looking for items to cut out on my SIL, but very little actual scrapping. I am behind on my die challenge and all of the layouts I need to do.

Thus, it is the SIL's fault for tempting me to spend those hours dreaming about scrapbooking, but doing little actual work.

I need to get my butt in gear.