Scrapbooking is a hobby, but for some of us it is a lifestyle. As for me, it a dangerous lifestyle....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Okay, I used to be really good about posting, but 2010 has been a bust. Not goody as DH would say.

I have also been bad about creating, but I have lots of excuses: my Nook DH bought me, the illness that led to the removal of my gall bladder, and last, but not least, my broken hand. That really sucked. Royally sucked. Paying for it was just as bad.

So, right now I have Xmas cards that need to be sent out. Black Belt Pages that need to be finished. A luminary house that is half done (a gift for DS's teacher) and the list goes on and on. Need to work and not read too much.

Oh, and before I forget, DH bought me a new subscription for the Sil...

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