Scrapbooking is a hobby, but for some of us it is a lifestyle. As for me, it a dangerous lifestyle....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sil Frustrations

Could someone please explain why certain shapes on the Sil cut like butter and others cut like my blade is a sharpened stone??? I cut two hearts, the scribble and the lace heart. Guess which one cut and removed easily? Wrong! It was the scribble. I had to remove the pieces of lace using my CutterBee's, not something I enjoy.

Did I mention that I cut them at the same time, they were sharing the paper?


Oh, btw, even though you should be able to reduce designs down to 1/4 inch on the Sil, I am never sure which ones will actually work. I tried shrinking an elephant, a giraffe and the rhino down to just under an inch - and let's just say that there was a lot of tearing. I put in a black pen and they came out nicely, and I cut them by hand. Then, they didn't work for what I wanted. Bummer.

I still love my Sil, I am just a bit frustrated right now. But, if everything worked the way it is supposed to, I wouldn't be the Scrapklutz.

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