Scrapbooking is a hobby, but for some of us it is a lifestyle. As for me, it a dangerous lifestyle....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Genius Idea Needs Work

Okay, so after a few coats of the fabric paint, I got the album to a nice dark slate color. Unfortunately, I was shooting for pitch black. My eyes spied a bottle of black artist's pigment on top of the refrigerator and a new experiment came to mind. (Paint bottles on top of the fridge? Well, it's a safe place and much easier to get to than the cupboards above the fridge. Think of it as a hold-over from when the kids were little.)

Out came a foam brush and I got to work. Amazingly, it worked! And it is the tone I wanted. Unfortunately, it was not a full bottle, so the insides are still cream. I think I will take the page protectors out and spray the innards with the black fabric paint, slate is a good color for the insides.

I bet the white ink won't show up. I will try it, but I think some white paint is in my immediate future.

Maybe I should aim some of this ambition toward creating the actual pages.....

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