Scrapbooking is a hobby, but for some of us it is a lifestyle. As for me, it a dangerous lifestyle....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mad Genius Inspiration

New Year, new experiment! What better way to enter into the new year/decade, than by try something new. Well, in my case, potentially disaster-filled?

I am feeling like a mad genius: I need an album for the Black Belt photos. I want a special album, but I do not want to buy one since I have so many lying around. Well, DH liked the cream canvas 12x12 from Martha Stewart, but it was, well, cream. Last night I had a stroke of brilliance (well, maybe madness) - I could dye the album with black fabric spray and then decorate it with stamps and stencils. Then, another brainstorm: first stamp it with embossing ink to resist the black paint.

Well, it kindasorta worked. You can just barely see the stamping under the black paint. Guess I need to go back to plan A and stamp over the paint.

Did I mention that I decided to start spraying the paint upstairs, on the beige carpet? Yep, I got some black paint on a few fibers. I am using newspaper underneath this time.....

If it turns out, I will post a photo. I know, I always say that - and one day I actually will!

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